Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey guys! I finally started a blog after everyone kept on telling me to get one so that I can share my expertise :) So as my first piece, I'm going to put up an honest review of

I'll say it right now: They live up to the hype. In case you guys haven't heard, there was a huge hype about a while ago. It took them a while, but they did a huge update on their gallery of tattoos. Currently they have 1000s of tattoos (I believe around 4,000+).

If you've found it hard to find that right type of tattoo online, then be sure to continue reading on...

If you want gorgeous tattoos that's pretty easy to look for, this is the place. Their tattoo designs have won awards. They have a huge variety of tattoos that are perfect for any place on your body. Their tattoos consist of designs such as hearts, flowers, skulls, religious, Japanese, Chinese, Zodiacs... everything! The two tattoos that I got from are the pictures to the left and below this (these pictures are from their gallery though, not pictures of me). If I'm going to put a design on me for the rest of my life, I better pick something DAMN GOOD!! Looks nice right? :)

The one thing I love a
bout this is how organized their website is. Normally on the "free" websites, their designs are poorly organized (Plus, a lot of the content is "average" or worse!). Finding the tattoo that I wanted has never been so easy! Within minutes of joining, I found that I could find all the amazing tattoos that I wanted. The search engine on the site allows me to easily look for a type of tattoo I want. Also, if you want to just browse, all of the tattoos are neatly categorized into different sections. And then you have subcategories if you want to get even more specific in finding the type of design you want. Also, you can search for tattoo artists or put on different filters. The filters consisted of the tattoo type (such "Angel Tattoos" or "Rose Tattoos"), tattoo artist (90+ artists!), black and white, small, medium, large, etc. - Quite possibly the easiest way to find the exact design you're looking for, in a way that isn't provided by free websites.

Check out this video for some lower back designs, along with a glance at how things are categorized for that section:

Another feature for members is the ability to search for tattoo parlors. You simply enter in your location, and it'll search for nearby experienced parlors. It's useful as a time-saver and it ensures that you'll get tattoo artists that definitely can draw these designs on you.

I'd also like to mention the community on the site. There's a forum and members gallery. If you ever need advice or recommendations, just hit up the forums!! You could also look at the gallery if you're wondering whether or not a design will look good.

I'd also like to mention this website's bonus: They give you free unlimited music downloads. If you like to get your music legally, or if your peer-to-peer network doesn't have a certain song you're looking for, then you can look in's collection. They have over 300,000 songs!!

One last piece of information (the downside)... it costs $19.95

But here's my final word: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!! It's going to cost you $19.95, but it's worth it! As a person who LOVES tattoos, I know that's a small price. 20 years down the line, I don't want regret the design that I got. If people saw my design, I want them all to be "wowed" by it. If I got a design from a free site, it would be "okay" at best... but I LOVE the designs from (remember how they're award winners?) If you spread that $19.95 over the rest of your life time... that's less 0.50 cents per year for the rest of your life... you will have no regrets, you will love your design, and everyone else will envy you for the rest of your life.

Click here to sign up at

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